Created by Dua Azeem

Child Abuse

Dua Azeem
2 min readJun 1, 2019

The picture above is sketched by me. I am an artist who loves to draw and who believes that pictures can speak.The theme behind my this sketch is Child abuse. We all know that how much the rate of child abuse is increasing yearly. The question comes here is how to control it? But honestly let me tell you, we need to take these precautionary steps ourselves.. I am not an expert but I tried to gather some points by my own, these are the points that I have compiled especially for the parents.

Some of the basic points that I want to highlight through this sketch are:

Be a protection to your children:

The responsibility of parents is not only to raise their children physically and fulfill their physical needs without caring that what they emotionally need? They need your attention that most of the parents can’t give because of their busy and hectic schedule, but no! It is an absolute responsibility of parents to bring their children close to them and to listen to their problems and heartaches.. Don’t ignore them, but consider them, be a shield to them, be a shelter for them, give them such confidence so that they can not feel hesitated to tell you if someone harasses them, that most of the children do because of the lack of strong bonding with their parents.

Teach your children before it gets too late…

Teach your children about good and bad touch as soon as possible, don’t wait for the right time… instill in their mind the knowledge of good and bad touch because it is extremely important now a days. Tell them how to take action in such situation, what to do and how to defend themselves. Don’t feel ashamed in doing so and thinking whether this is appropriate for their age or not, because whatever you are thinking is important and good for your children’s future life and you are doing nothing wrong but preventing and cautioning them from upcoming jeopardizes.

Besides all this, parents need to be close to their children, believe them if they complain about anything and listen to them… We all know that nothing is more important for parents than their children then why not give them time and attention that they deserve, after all what are parents for?

Note: My intention of writing this was not to target anyone, any community, class and group.



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